Ottawa, CANADA – The Canadian Commercial Corporation (CCC) is pleased to announce that it was awarded a $379K contract by the U.S. Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) to supply Gastops Propulsion System Dynamic Response Analysis (PSDRA) for the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter POLAR STAR .
Gastops provides intelligent condition monitoring solutions used in aerospace, defence, energy, and industrial applications to optimize the availability, performance, and safety of critical assets. The company is based in Ottawa, Ontario.
The Polar Star is the Coast Guard’s only heavy icebreaker. The ship travels to Antarctica to lead Operation Deep Freeze every year, routinely breaking miles of ice more than 20 feet thick. It is powered by diesel electric and three aviation-grade gas turbines which provide up to 75,000 horsepower.
The Gastops PSDRA will generate a complete understanding of the performance and stability of the as-proposed propulsion plant in steady state and transient state, during open water and icebreaking operations, to validate the performance of new equipment, its integration into the existing propulsion systems, and its control algorithms.
Gastops was awarded the contract through CCC’s U.S. DoD Prime Contractor service. As the official channel for Canadian companies to the U.S. DoD., CCC acts as the prime contractor for any purchases by the U.S. DoD from Canada worth USD $250 000 or more. CCC in turn, signs a domestic contract with the Canadian supplier for the supply of products and services being procured by the U.S. DoD.
To learn more about how the U.S. DoD Prime Contractor service can help your company access the largest defence procurement market in the world, connect with the CCC team. Our contracting experts are ready to help you navigate the highly regulated U.S. government procurement system and to make it easier to submit bids and compete on equal footing.
About CCC
We are Canada’s government to government contracting agency. We help build successful commercial relationships between Canadian businesses and governments around the world through our government to government contracting approach. We are also the Government of Canada’s designated contracting authority for U.S. DoD requirements from Canada. To learn more about how we have facilitated billions in trade between Canadian businesses and governments in over 30 countries, visit www.ccc.ca/en/.