About Us

CCC is Canada’s government to government contracting agency

CCC and Canada’s G2G is here to successfully deliver on international procurements. Guaranteed.

Operating at the junction of commerce and international relations

Governments around the world lead important initiatives or projects that require them to commit to large and critical purchase contracts. These can be complex, politically sensitive, and expensive. Governments need effective execution and successful delivery.

As a Government of Canada agency, CCC is here to support foreign governments in their mandate to successfully deliver projects to their citizens.

We enable acquisitions from Canadian suppliers of products and services on a government to government (G2G) basis, and our unique offering is designed to reduce the risks for both Canadian businesses and their government buyers.

Our services

Our impact on the world

St Kitts

Economic development in St. Kitts and Nevis

With CCC’s support, Canadian JV Driver completed a second pier at Port Zante, St. Kitts & Nevis that allows the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis to the growing demands of its tourism industry.


Water infrastructure upgrades in Barbados

To support the Barbados Water Authority, CCC collaborated with Canadian CowaterSogema International to upgrade water meters to 98,000 households and improve efficiency in operations.


Agro-industrial growth in Bangladesh

Over the years, CCC has supported Bangladesh’s agriculture sector through the supply of potash from Canpotex. This fertilizer is critical to the country’s $1 billion agricultural industry (2021) and is a driver for their continued domestic development.


Social programs support in Honduras

Working with the Governments of Honduras and Canadian Bank Note, CCC helped to deliver a national lottery system that funds the countries’ maternal and child health,  educational and other social programs.


Transportation infrastructure upgrades in Ghana

Through a project with CCC and JV Driver, Ghana has a new world class container handling and devanning port terminal that is increasing the country’s economic development and providing more local employment opportunities.

Santo Domingo

Water and sewage network upgrades in Dominican Republic

Through a project with CCC and Groupe Helios, residents of Santo Domingo are benefitting from the clean-up and expansion of the potable water and sewage networks of the Guajimia Canal and the construction of 800 new homes.

Increased public security in Panama

Through a CCC international project , the Ministry of Security in Panama was able to increase security and emergency response through the purchase of a system from GDMS for computer-assisted dispatch, real-time officer location, and instant data transfer to identify licence plates, faces and other information.

Economic development in Ecuador

CCC worked with the City of Quito and Canadian Aecon for the construction of a new airport, which supports the country’s tourism, energy and agro-industrial sectors. The new facility also provides local economic benefits through employment for transportation and aircraft services.

Flag of United States of America (USA)

Defence capabilities in the U.S.

CCC is a critical partner in the supply of goods and services to the U.S. Department of Defence. Our unique relationship with the U.S. DoD is designed to coordinate the continent’s common defence and increase economic cooperation through defence requirements. 


Environmental protection in Bolivia

To meet an urgent need, CCC and Coulson Aircrane were able to assist the Government of Bolivia with its firefighting efforts in Chiquitania, a region of tropical savannas close to the Bolivian Amazon rainforest.  

Want to learn more about how CCC can help you?

Responsible business conduct

Canada’s strategy

Responsible Business Conduct (RBC) is a priority for Canada and is central to Canada’s trade diversification strategy, inclusive trade and sustainable and inclusive economic growth.

Canada’s RBC strategy complements its approach to human rights, taking action on climate change, sustainable development, multilateralism, a rules-based trading system, recognizing, respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights of Indigenous peoples, and children, eradicating poverty, combatting discrimination, promoting gender equality and inclusion and diversity—including digital inclusion. It also aligns closely with the Government of Canada’s Feminist Foreign Policy, including its Feminist International Assistance Policy.

Canada’s international commitments

Canada has committed to RBC on the global stage, through ratifying several international treaties and adhering to various guidelines that promote RBC, including the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines on Multinational Enterprises and as it relates to the respect and recognition of the human rights of Indigenous peoples, the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP).

Canada’s commitments

As a federal Crown corporation, we align with and support Canada’s RBC commitments and ensure it is at the core of our operations. We support Canada’s strategy by:

  • Building awareness and championing action. We help Canadian companies in Canada and abroad increase their understanding of Canada’s RBC expectations, create opportunities for sharing information and best practices and demonstrate the competitive advantage of doing business with Canadian companies with leading responsible business practices to partners around the world.
  • Focusing on due diligence and accountability. This includes providing Canadian companies active abroad with the tools they need to mitigate risks and succeed. This includes new digital tools, a due diligence reporting standard, a Digital RBC Attestation, and access to Canada’s two dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Strengthening the global RBC ecosystem through contributing to the rules-based international system, building capacity and developing an enabling framework through advancing RBC considerations in trade and foreign investment protection agreements, and facilitating partnerships and dialogue among diverse stakeholders.

Our commitments

CCC is committed to ensure that we, and the companies we work with, operate in an environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible manner in Canada and abroad. We have taken several steps to ensure that we and the companies we work with, operate in a way that supports Canada’s strategy for responsible business conduct.


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